Uci peer tutoring chem 51lc
Uci peer tutoring chem 51lc

uci peer tutoring chem 51lc

uci peer tutoring chem 51lc

  • Other students outside of Nursing Science are required to take Chem 1LC for their major and it’s listed as a co-requisite with Chem 1C in the UCI Catalogue, but it’s not listed on the Nursing Science curriculum plan.
  • If students are concerned about their grade in a course, they should reach out to a Nursing Science Advisor for additional assistance and guidance. While each student situation may be unique, in general s tudents are required to pass Nursing Science required courses with a letter grade “C” or better.
  • Nursing Science students are provided with an updated Student Handbook that reviews course failure and course repeat policies in greater detail.
  • I heard that if I don’t pass a class, I get kicked out of the major.

    Students with questions about how to navigate can reach out to Nursing Science peer advisors for assistance. Students should select the “Nursing Science, B.S.” major to review transferable lower-div ision requirements.

  • Students can utilize to determine transfer-ability of coursework from California Community Colleges to UC Irvine.
  • How do I know which courses to take at Community College and what they’ll count for at UCI ?.
  • GE courses taken at another institution must be completed with a letter grade of C or better. Non-science, lower-division courses required for the major taken at another institution must be completed with a letter grade of B or better.
  • Students who take courses at a community college must take those courses for a letter grade.
  • BIO SCI and CHEM lower-division major requirements.
  • Lower Division and Upper Division Writing (GE Category I).
  • Nursing Science students can take lower division degree requirements at Community Colleges, including GE requirements and non-science lower-division major requirements, except for the following requirements :.
  • What courses for the major can I take at a Community College?.
  • UC Irvine students in need of these services should contact the UCI Counseling Center directly.

    uci peer tutoring chem 51lc

    Zot Chat is not available for Personal/Crisis/Mental Health Counseling.

  • Personal/Crisis/Mental Health Counseling.
  • NOTE: Zot Chat is NOT intended to answer questions related to: Please email Nursing Student Affairs or schedule an appointment with an academic counselor to discuss questions and/or advisement that require more time. Zot Chat is intended for questions that can be answered quickly. Counselors and Peer Academic Advisors from the Nursing Student Affairs team will be available to answer general questions related to the following: Zot Chat is an online live chat service available for students to ask general counseling or advising related questions.

    Uci peer tutoring chem 51lc